I was reading a recently published article in the New Yorker, by Jerome Groopman, about those who hear voices. The article questions why some people hear voices, and when such voices might become a problem. I found the article interesting. The article builds upon the concept of self-talk and the ... [Continue Reading]
What is Wrong with Self-Esteem?
In today’s popular psychology culture, when faced with emotional distress, we are told that we should work on building up self-esteem. The emphasis on self-esteem is deeply permeated in our culture, and strongly advocated by many psychologists and educators. We are told that first and foremost, we ... [Continue Reading]
The New Medicated Generation
We are a nation lost in our own self-worship, reaching for straws to pull ourselves out of pain and despair, hoping that somehow we can find the route to self-enforced transcendence, even if it means medicating ourselves toward that goal. Most of us refuse to accept that the void can only be ... [Continue Reading]
Depression and Desperate Treatments
Depression is a soul-wrenching, dark, and dreadful illness. Those suffering from depression, encounter such despair and hopelessness that makes them desperate for solutions in search of healing. The cause of depression is not yet known. Most people have bought into the medical narrative of a broken ... [Continue Reading]
How Fulfilling Are Your Impulses?
Are you an impulsive person? Do you enjoy living dangerously? Do your impulses drive you to do things against your better judgment? Many of us are impulsive shoppers, impulsive eaters, impulsive talkers, and impulsive decision makers in our daily lives. In a new study, featuring 503 individuals, ... [Continue Reading]
Expectations That Disappoint
Photo: Eleonora Festari / EyeEm/Getty Images We are a nation of great technological and financial successes built upon disappointed souls, and despairing spirits. A major study recently published in the journal Social Psychological and Personality Science, claims that “adolescents reported greater ... [Continue Reading]