The following is a paper I presented at the 17th annual conference of The International Society for Psychological and Social Approaches to Psychosis in Philadelphia: The famous British scholar C.S. Lewis noted that, What we learn from experience depends on the kind of ... [Continue Reading]
Being Built Up in Christ
The one who says he abides in Him ought himself to walk in the same manner as He walked. 1 John 2:6 As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, having been firmly rooted and now being built up in Him and established in your faith, just as you were instructed, and ... [Continue Reading]
To be Considered “Worthy of the Kingdom of God”
Therefore, we ourselves speak proudly of you among the churches of God for your perseverance and faith in the midst of all your persecutions and afflictions which you endure. This is a plain indication of God’s righteous judgment so that you will be considered worthy of the kingdom of God, for which ... [Continue Reading]
Expectations That Disappoint
Photo: Eleonora Festari / EyeEm/Getty Images We are a nation of great technological and financial successes built upon disappointed souls, and despairing spirits. A major study recently published in the journal Social Psychological and Personality Science, claims that “adolescents reported greater ... [Continue Reading]
The Passing Vanities of Life
And now, Lord, for what do I wait? My hope is in You. Deliver me from all my transgressions; Make me not the reproach of the foolish. I have become mute, I do not open my mouth, Because it is You who have done it. Remove Your plague from me; Because of the opposition of Your hand I am perishing. ... [Continue Reading]
Mental Illness and the Demands of Christian Faith
My husband received a call this morning informing us that an old friend (whom I call Carl) had killed himself with a gunshot in his own bed. As you can imagine I was deeply rattled, saddened, and shocked by the news, but I was not surprised. Carl was a man in his early forties, quite attractive, ... [Continue Reading]